
Mrs Rozario

Below, you will find information about Year 6:

  • Curriculum Long Term Plan.
  • Reading recommendations.
  • Grammar and mathematics links that can be used as additional revision tools.
  • Spelling list for this year.
  • Maths support.


  • Our day begins at 8:30am and finishes at 3:05pm.
  • Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days. Please remember that plimsoles must be worn for indoor PE sessions.
  • Homework will be set on Fridays.

Curriculum Long Term Plan


Homework will be set on Friday and will need to be completed by the following Wednesday. I have stated below the how homework will be set:

Homework help:

Whiterose Maths Calculation Policy

I will send out weekly homework updates on Class Dojo.

Reading Recommendations

Appropriate books to read in KS2 – How many of these books can you read before the end of KS2? We already made a start to some of them in Year 5 last year. The books that have been blocked out, we will be reading them in class this year, so please do not read them at home

Grammar and Punctuation links


Spellings, spellings spellings! This will be a very important component of your writing this year. You are expected to learn spelling most words from the 5 / 6 list.

Please click on the links below to practise the Year 5 and 6 words as well as revise the Year 3 and 4 words (these should all be spelt correctly).

There will be a test near the end of each term to test these spellings:

Year 5 and 6 word list

Years 3 and 4 word list

Common Exception Words

Spelling Strategies To Use To Learn Spellings

Look, Cover, Say, Write Sheet