Healthy and appetising home baked meals ares prepared daily on the premises by a very devoted staff and provides excellent value for money. Payments should be made in advance.  All payments will need to made in Arbor.

If your child is absent the appropriate amount will be credited for the following week and you should make an adjustment on your next payment.

No meals may be taken on credit.

Free school meals are available for F2 and Key Stage 1 children and for children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits. Application forms can be obtained from the school.

You must give one month’s notice in writing of any change from hot meals to sandwich lunches or vice versa. This greatly assists administration.

Children may also bring packed lunches and we encourage parents to provide well balanced, healthy food items in lunchboxes. Packed lunches should be in containers clearly marked with the child’s name. Children are not allowed to bring canned drinks or glass bottles.

Children are actively encouraged to bring a piece of fresh fruit and a bottle of water for break time.

The school is part of the free fruit scheme which provides daily a piece of fruit for each child in F2 and Key Stage 1.

Children are asked to bring a transparent plastic bottle of water in on a daily basis; this can be refilled at lunchtime. We do not encourage children to bring in soft drinks unless this is a dietary requirement.

Free School Meals Flyer